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000430_owner-lightwave-l _Sun Aug 21 20:04:42 1994.msg
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Date: Sun, 21 Aug 1994 19:17:23 -0700 (MST)
From: "Brian C. Berg" <AUBRI@asuvm.inre.asu.edu>
Subject: Re: Lightwave Newsgroup
In-reply-to: Message of Sun, 21 Aug 1994 13:17:54 -0700 (PDT) from <djmccoy@netcom.com>
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I am in favor of a newsgroup (either alt.* or comp.*).
I find it difficult and time consuming to wade through 30-40 messages
when 10-20 of them are personal or unsubscribe requests. Of the 20 left,
only 10 are usually of interest to me. With a newsgroup, I'd be able
to sort by subject thread, or by author to pick out Mark Thompson, John Gross,
or Allen Hastings messages. Also I'd be able to read it just once a week
without having all the messages piling up in my mailbox.
Plus if Allen unsubscribes due to the volume of mail coming through, then
I think it's time for a newsgroup. Heck, this mailing list has a lot more
volume than a lot of the full-fledged newsgroups out there. And with
Lightwave becomming available on other platforms, the volume will only
be increasing exponentially. I'd probably sign off before it got much worse.
Anyway, that's my $0.02. I say go for the comp.graphics.raytracing.lw-3d
newsgroup, but if that's a long ways off from being approved, maybe an alt.
group is a near-term solution, and the comp. group is the long-term answer.
Thanks for putting up with all of us! :-)
-------- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -
Brian C. Berg Bitnet : aubri@asuacad.bitnet
Amiga Multimedia Lab Internet: aubri@asuvm.inre.asu.edu
Arizona State University Fidonet : Brian Berg @ 1:114/215.0
Tempe, AZ 85287-0111
"I haven't lost my mind... it's backed up on SyQuest somewhere!"